For mobile devices: If autoplay does not work, here is Part 2 of this episode.
Bubbles is the Kidd Video fan club president in Uptown (she also has a crush on Whiz!) and has invited the band to play at the town dedication. Uptown is a city in the sky, inhabited by people who kind of look like bouncing balls.
Meanwhile, The Master Blaster plans to zap the kids with his Master Zapper, a machine that turns people into the exact opposite of what they are. He sends the Copy Cats to zap Bubbles, so that she can help capture the others. Whiz gets zapped and turns into a jerk who hates music. Eventually, the cats zap the others...
Kidd Video and Glitter manage to escape. When the Copy Cats present the rest of the band to Master Blaster, he kicks the cats out of the fortress and enlists Ash, Whiz and Carla as his cronies. Kidd and Glitter manage to steal the zapper from the Copy Cats and rescue their friends. After destroying the zapper, the band plays for all of their fans in Uptown.
Music video clip: "Run to You" (Bryan Adams)
Additional Top 40 music: "Somebody's Watching Me" (Rockwell)
Ending Video: "You Better Run"
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