Kidd is the leader of the group; he plays guitar and keyboards and sings many of the lead vocals. He is also the "leader" in the toon tradition -- he comes up with many of the ideas about what to do next, and has come to the rescue of his friends a number of times.
Kidd has light brown hair and brown eyes. He is ambidextrous (according to "Race To Popland"). In the Flipside he wears a blue sleeveless jacket with 80s-pink trim, army pants with a bandanna tied around the leg, and red Chuck Taylor sneakers. In the second season, his jacket and sneakers become black and red. In the opening of the show and in the "Come Back To Me" video, we see him riding a red Honda Arrow scooter.
Kidd is the token cool dude, but the problem is that he knows it! Even though he is often the hero, he needs the influence of his friends to keep his ego under control and bring him down to earth again.
"This place keeps getting weirder and weirder." -- in reference to the Flipside
"That was a really good idea, Carla. Trust me, huh?" -- when he, Carla and Whiz land in jail after trying to rescue Ash from being King
"It doesn't make my hair fluff around like it's supposed to..." -- Kidd caught in an antigravity field
"Come on... everybody's gotta be someplace." -- after the Copy Cats have disappeared again
Kidd is portrayed by Bryan Scott.
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