Although Kidd Video was only on TV for a short time, a small amount of merchandise was produced - particularly in Israel, where the band actually went on tour.
An album was released on vinyl and cassette in Israel in 1986 on the CBS Records label. The front cover of the album has a big color picture of the band, and the back has a cartoon picture of the band in the Flipside. This album was never released in the United States.
Side One:
Video To Radio | Where Did Our Love Go? | It's Over When the Phone Stops Ringing | A Little TLC | We Should Be Together | Come Back To Me
There was also a 1986 children's cassette-only release by Israeli CBS Talit Productions (TAL 3005). It is not the album; instead it is an audio story on tape with the characters' dialogue in Hebrew. There is a version of "You Better Run" and a few other songs, but they are sung in Hebrew with the original track music.
(Thanks to Lou for this information!)
You might want to be aware of this if looking for Kidd Video cassettes on eBay - it seems that the album cassette is yellow, and this children's story and songs cassette is pink.
Golden Book Video released six commercial videotapes. These are the original cut as they aired on NBC, minus the popular music video. These tapes are sometimes available through flea markets and online auctions.
We've never located a copy of the VHS release of Euphonius the Melodious Dragon, so if you know where to find one, please contact us.
In Israel, candy bars and yogurt cups were sold with pictures of Kidd Video on the labels.
Steve Alterman also mentioned that Kidd Video bed sheets were sold there.
This portable AM radio turned up for sale a few years ago. It is by Helm Toy and the back says it was made by Character Builders, Woodland Hills, CA.
A Kidd Video card game was also sold in Israel. Thanks to Yariv for the information and pictures.
Box front and back
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